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What does Organic Mean + The Food You Should ALWAYS Buy Organic

by The GreenJinn Team

September 06, 2019


You’ve probably heard that organic food is healthier and tastier, Unfortunately, it’s generally more expensive too.

Since not everyone can afford a trolly-load of organic food every week, we’ve compiled a list of the most and least pesticide-laden fruit and veg, so you can swerve the most harmful produce and get more bang for you buck.

First off, here’s what the term ‘organic’ really means…

What does organic actually mean?

If your food is organic, it means that it has not been sprayed with man-made fertilisers and pesticides.

However, organic doesn’t necessarily mean entirely pesticide free. These chemicals may sometimes be used to prevent produce from being wasted.

The good news is, organic farms can only use 20 approved pesticides – made from natural ingredients, whereas non-organic farms use a whopping 300!

Organic food is healthier

Organic food is more nutritious

Organic produce is said to contain around 68% more antioxidants than your regular food.

Plus, a more organic diet will means more vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids.

Organic food is also safer

Non-organic food contains harmful pesticides and hormones that are poisonous. After all, they were designed to kill pests, so you may want to think twice about skipping on organic.

How poisonous exactly?

Well, a study published in the JAMA Internal Medicine, journal, found among 69,000 participants, those who ate the most organic food had 25% fewer cancers than those who didn’t eat organic.

Not only that, but a 2018 Harvard University study found a disturbing link between pesticide residue consumption and fertility problems.

Some produce has more pesticides than others

Before you start frantically trashing the contents of your fridge, it’s worth noting that pesticide levels vary across different produce.

Since going completely organic can get costly, here’s the fruit and veg we recommend buying organic, and those that you need to worry about less…

DO buy these organic

  1. Oranges
  2. Soft citrus fruits
  3. Lemons and limes
  4. Strawberries
  5. Pears
  6. Grapes
  7. Seville oranges
  8. Herbs
  9. Apples
  10. Cherries
  11. Peaches and nectarines
  12. Pineapple
  13. Apricots
  14. Banana
  15. Prepacked salad leaves
  16. Spring greens and kale
  17. Pre prepared salad leaves
  18. Cucumber
  19. Berries
  20. Raspberries

Lower risk produce

  1. Beetroot
  2. Cauliflower
  3. Corn on the cob
  4. Figs
  5. Mushrooms
  6. Onions
  7. Rhubarb
  8. Swede
  9. Turnip
  10. Peas
  11. Spring Onions
  12. Asparagus
  13. Radish
  14. Avocado
  15. Peas without pods
  16. Sweet potato
  17. Leeks
  18. Broad Beans
  19. Pumpkin and squash
  20. Broccoli

Key Takeaways

  • What does organic mean? Food that hasn’t been sprayed with man-made pesticides, which can potentially be harmful.
  • Organic food is healthier. Containing more antioxidants and less poisonous hormones and chemicals.
  • Some produce has more pesticides than others. Oranges, soft citrus fruits and strawberries are some of the worst offenders – buy these organic.