What is Sober October all about?
by Carlota A.
October 19, 2021
Sober October was started to encourage people to go alcohol-free during the month of October to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support. People have also seen the health benefits and today people also use this month to stop unhealthy habits and raise money for many other charities. 🍺🚫🍷
Now that pubs and restaurants are back open, weddings are on, and just social events are back in our diaries, this Sober October has been a particularly difficult one. Going out with friends and ordering a beer has become a routine for many, hence some take this month as a detox period to improve their health. 💪
We are nearing the end of October, so if you have made it this far. AMAZING! Keep going! However, don’t worry if you’ve forgotten and had a drink. Raising the money for an amazing cause is what counts and we are here to help with some drink alternatives to get you through the rest of the month.
In this blog, we will share some of the health benefits of reducing your alcohol consumption, more information on the charity side of Sober October and some GreenJinn brands for you to try this month which are either alcohol-free, or for those of you who just want to reduce their alcohol intake; some low alcohol content drinks.
What are the health benefits of Sober October?
Reducing your alcohol consumption can incredibly improve your overall health, from your mental well-being to your physical health 💚. Going either 100% Sober October or simply cutting your consumption has many benefits for your body, some of these being:
✅ Weight loss: Alcohol contains empty calories that don’t have beneficial nutrients to our bodies and by reducing consumption, this can lead to weight loss.
✅ Improved sleep quality: Drinking alcohol in excess prevents you from a deep and restorative sleep. By reducing your consumption, your sleep quality improves and you have increased energy levels. Win win!
✅ Improved mental health: Alcohol is classed as a depressant drug that may lead to anxiety feelings and stress. Reducing your alcohol intake can help cope with these feelings and in consequence, improve your mental health and brain function. With a clearer head free from hangovers, you can do more with the extra time you now have from not drinking. You can do activities for you and your mental health, go for a walk, learn something new or try a new restaurant.
✅ Upgrade physical health: Drinking alcohol in excess can lead to high blood sugar, higher blood pressure and more liver fat. Sober October can help reduce these health issues, improving your overall physical health.
✅ Sense of achievement: Being able to leave your comfort zone and change some of your habits like ordering a Diet Coke instead of a pint during this period is challenging. Therefore, being able to do so leads to an incredible feeling of accomplishment.
✅ Did we forget you can also save money!
How can you help others this month?
Sober October has the health benefits for you but was started to raise money for charities. People take the opportunity to donate money or goods and participate in volunteering work. But… Where should I donate money to? What activities can I take part in? 💗
Macmillan Cancer Support is an English Cancer Aid Organization that supports Sober October to raise funds to fight cancer. All the money raised during this month goes to fight cancer in the UK. Although Macmillan Cancer Support is the leading charity for Sober October, many want to donate money to other charities too and participate in different volunteer activities. British Heart Foundation is an organisation that collects donations to fund heart and circulatory research or St. John Ambulance, who is dedicated to the teaching and practice of first aid activities where you can take part to help others 💵🪣.
Another is Race For Life, which is a charity race that takes part on the 31st October all around the UK, from Bath to Birmingham… Race For Life raises money for Cancer Research UK. This year this is more important than ever, especially since cancer trials have been delayed due to Covid-19. We invite you all to take part in this race as part of your solidarity behaviour for Sober October 🏃♀️.
Brands to give a try this October from the GreenJinn app!
At GreenJinn, we strongly believe in giving back and helping others. One of our most important company values is caring for the community, which is why we are cheering on those who are partaking in Sober October. Remember, you can go Sober, reduce your consumption as well as helping the community!
If you wish to abstain from alcohol 100% during this month but are missing the taste, we recommend you trying DRYNKS and Everleaf from the app. However we have other alternatives to your regular alcohol drinks such as Trip or L’mon, also on offer in your app. If you however want to reduce your alcohol consumption, you can give Bodega Bay, Mike’s, Bud light and Served a try! These are low-alcohol beverages that won’t let you down this month! They are delicious and guilt-free 🤤!
- https://www.gosober.org.uk/
- https://www.thebluedolphinstore.com/en/whats-sober-october/
- https://healthandperformancecollective.com/health-benefits-of-drinking-less/
- https://raceforlife.cancerresearchuk.org/
Images from:
- https://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/health-fitness/2021/09/10/100921_WK_DRINKING_LEAD-01_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqqVzuuqpFlyLIwiB6NTmJwfSVWeZ_vEN7c6bHu2jJnT8.jpg?imwidth=680
- https://thumbor.forbes.com/thumbor/960×0/https%3A%2F%2Fspecials-images.forbesimg.com%2Fimageserve%2F1188167157%2FA-good-night-s-sleep-is-essential-to-every-part-of-our-well-being–but-for-a-troubled%2F960x0.jpg%3Ffit%3Dscale
- https://media.istockphoto.com/vectors/cartoon-smart-happy-brain-character-in-glasses-fall-in-love-central-vector-id1161059789?k=20&m=1161059789&s=612×612&w=0&h=1o3gef7Xrs2EN5hQOory1PmXEGctTTu-p2Z6T7laAGk=
- https://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/5cd388092100003000d3e014.jpeg?ops=1778_1000
- https://cdn.macmillan.org.uk/dfsmedia/1a6f23537f7f4519bb0cf14c45b2a629/1679-50034/fundraising-bucket